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Installation & Activation

In start, You must have a working version of WordPress already installed. For information in regard to installing the WordPress CMS, please see the WordPress Codex Installing WordPress especially the Requirements. Once you have a working version of WordPress, you need to download All files and documentation from themeforest and extract the downloaded zip to get various files including

Install Theme Via WordPress Dashboard

  1. Go to DashboardAppearanceThemes section
  2. Click Add New' and select the 'Upload Theme option Real Places Theme Real Places Theme

  3. Choose the file and press Install Now Real Places Theme

  4. Once the theme is uploaded you need to go back to themes page without activating it as it is recommended to use the child theme and now we will upload it. Real Places Theme

  5. Follow step 2 again and Choose the file and press Install Now Real Places Theme

  6. Once the child theme is uploaded you can activate it. Real Places Theme

Activating the theme will take you to the themes page.

if you face any problem during upload through dashboard, please upload the theme using FTP as guided below.

Install Theme Via FTP - (Alternative)

  1. Access your hosting server using an FTP client like FileZilla.
  2. Go to the 'wp-content/themes' folder of your WordPress installation.
  3. Extract the file and put the inspiry-real-places folder in 'wp-content/themes/' folder.
  4. After that extract the file and put the inspiry-real-places-child folder in 'wp-content/themes/' folder.
  5. Go to 'DashboardAppearanceThemes' section to activate the Real Places child theme.

Activating the theme will take you to the themes page.

Install Required Plugins

  • After you have installed and activated the Real Places child theme. Go to DashboardAppearanceThemes there'll be a message of required & recommended plugins at the top of the Dashboard. Real Places Theme

  • Click on Begin Installing Plugins and it will take you to DashboardAppearanceInstall Plugins Real Places Theme

  • Now, Install the plugins as demonstrated in the screen shot below. Real Places Theme

  • After installation, you will view a screen like below, Return to required plugins installer. Real Places Theme

  • Now Activate all the plugins as demonstrated in the screen shot below. Real Places Theme

  • After activating required plugins, Go to Inspiry Real Estate plugin settings and save them for 1st time. As guided in screenshot below. Real Places Theme

Once all of the above is Done. The next step is to Import Demo Contents.